Fees and Policies


You can check information about Baseball held at Tokyo Dome.

Concerts /Events

You can check information on Concert and events held at Tokyo Dome.


You can check the schedule for Tokyo Dome.

Map/Seating information

You can check the seating chart for Baseball games here.

Gourmet shop floor information

You can check information about shops and floors inside Tokyo Dome.

Information on wheelchair seats

For official Giants games at Tokyo Dome, 30 wheelchair seats are available on the infield concourse.

Request for Visitors

We ask for everyone's cooperation in order to enjoy the event at Tokyo Dome safely and comfortably.


This is information about the "TOKYO DOME TOUR" where you can see Tokyo Dome while receiving explanations from a guide.

  • 2024年度のTOKYO DOME TOURは終了いたしました。

What is Tokyo Dome?

You can check the facility overview and basic information.


Would you like to enjoy playing Baseball on the field of Tokyo Dome?

  • 2024年12月~2025年3月末まではお貸し出しを行っておりません


This is the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page regarding the facility.


You can check access information to Tokyo Dome.

Locker information

You can check information about coin lockers inside Tokyo Dome.

Tokyo Dome top

Tokyo Dome official SNS